Welcome to theXibo Installation

Thank you for choosingXibo. This installation wizard will take you through setting upXibo one step at a time. There are 6 steps in total, the first one is below.

Installation guide »

First we need to check if your server meetsXibo's requirements.

Item Status Advice
PHP Version PHP version 5.5 or later required. Detected 7.4.33
File System Permissions Write permissions are required for web/settings.php and cache/
MySQL database (PDO MySql) PDO support with MySQL drivers must be enabled in PHP.
JSON Extension PHP JSON extension required to function.
SOAP Extension PHP SOAP extension required to function.
GD Extension PHP GD extension required to function.
Session PHP session support required to function.
FileInfo Requires PHP FileInfo support to function. If you are on Windows you need to enable the php_fileinfo.dll in your php.ini file.
PCRE PHP PCRE support to function.
Gettext PHP Gettext support to function.
DOM Extension PHP DOM core functionality enabled.
DOM XML Extension PHP DOM XML extension to function.
Mcrypt Extension PHP Mcrypt extension to function.
Allow PHP to open external URLs You must have allow_url_fopen = On in your PHP.ini file for RSS Feeds / Anonymous statistics gathering to function.
DateTimeZone This enables us to get a list of time zones supported by the hosting server.
ZIP This enables import / export of layouts.
Large File Uploads Support for uploading large files is recommended.We suggest setting your PHP post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to at least 128M, and also increasing your max_execution_time to at least 120 seconds.
cURL cURL is used to fetch data from the Internet or Local Network
ZeroMQ ZeroMQ is used to send messages to XMR which allows push communications with player
OpenSSL OpenSSL is used to seal and verify messages sent to XMR
SimpleXML SimpleXML is used to parse RSS feeds and other XML data sources